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Deus Ex Machina

Deus Ex Machina

Author: 南北逐风

Raws: 机械降神

Chapters: 91 Completed


In stories, when all beings are in dire straits, there will always be a suddenly appearing powerful hero to rescue them, and this is called “Deus Ex Machina 1.”

Although life is not a story, who wouldn’t hope for the appearance of a dazzling and god-like figure?

He will come eventually.

Yang Jin: Yes, yes, that’s me.

The novel is a pseudo-science fiction with an older age setting, filled with mysteries. The author is a pretentious maniac without a proper perspective.

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Translator Notes
  1. Literal translation: mechanical god’s descent/god from the machine – A plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem in a story is suddenly or abruptly resolved by an unexpected and unlikely occurrence.[4][5] Its function is generally to resolve an otherwise irresolvable plot situation, to surprise the audience, to bring the tale to a happy ending or act as a comedic device.[]
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